If you love innovation and disruptive technology, then you’re in for a treat at MOVE 2019, which takes place at Excel in London from 12 – 13 February. With more than 280 sessions, you’ll be set to hear some interesting debates on the future of transportation from new business models to alternative approaches to solving infrastructure and congestion problems. Here are a few we think you should consider:
3D printing drones and cars
Jay Rogers, CEO and co-founder of LM Industries takes to the stage on 12 February at 9.20AM to talk 3D printed drones and cars. The subject of drones is a major topic whether it’s for the delivery of goods or for people travel. That makes the marriage of 3D printed drones and cars an interesting topic with a great deal of scope for the future. Certainly not one to be missed.
Charging while driving
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of what the tech-driven world of mobility might look like. Getting electric cars on the road is one thing, but we need to be able to effectively charge our cars on the move. Jan Pettersson, head of electrified roads project at the Swedish Transport Administration provides insight into what this approach might look like. You can catch his talk – Sweden’s electrified roads: Charging while driving – at 10.55AM on 12 February 2019.
Blockchain for sharing economy
The rise of blockchain in the financial sector has brought home the power of this technological advancement. However, many in the transport space have seen its potential in future mobility development for quite some time. A blockchain panel ‘Enabling a true sharing economy by building trust’ will feature Alexander Kirn, CEO of Invers; Irfon Watkins, founder and CEO of Dovu and Allison Clift-Jennings, CEO of Filament LLC. The panel will be discussing the importance of blockchain in enhancing and underpinning the sharing economy. It takes place on 12 February at 3PM.
The internet of AV
Veniam has been recognised by CNBC and NASDAQ as one of the top 50 most disruptive tech companies globally. At Move London, CEO João Barros will talk about a passion close to his heart: ‘The internet of autonomous vehicles’. The movement of data between vehicles and the cloud is an important part of the future mobility mix. From V2V to IoT, communication between connected AV, applications and more is what will help create our smart cities of tomorrow. We’ll be interested to hear João’s perspective. The talk takes place on February 13 at 10:30AM.
Mobility for all
The future of mobility is filled with the promise of faster, more efficient, cost-effective travel. But Sandra Witzel, head of marketing for SkedGo is concerned that people with disabilities are being left behind. Inclusivity is key when considering the multi-modal transport and smart cities of the future. She’ll be arguing that in the midst of disruptive technologies and exciting new advancements, that we should not forget that mobility technology, applications – and services as a whole – should be for everyone, not just the few. This all-important talk will kick off at 4.20pm on Wednesday 13 February.
SkedGo also has a booth in the exhibition area.
You can find the full lineup of speakers over the two days here. Whilst the dates and times are accurate at the time of writing, you’re advised to check with the official website for any changes.
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